LNF Dog Rescue Adoption Center
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First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone* x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email*
Text/Pager Email
Thank you for choosing to adopt. We've been told this application should be done on a PC instead of a phone. We hope you first read all our adoption requirements before completing our application. You will be immediately denied if you do not have a minimum 4-foot high "installed fence" or any type of electric – NO exceptions. Some dogs require a 6-foot high fence which is noted on their profile. That height is required -- if noted. You will be notified same day if we are going to proceed with processing your adoption application or not. Choose all that apply: Privacy Chain Link Invisible Other
We do not ship our dogs. Each foster dog is taken home personally. A home visit is always mandatory. We only adopt in NJ, PA, MD, VA & DE with a 2-hour one-way drive from our location in New Castle DE 19720. * Effective 03-13-2024 -- Our adoption fee is $425 for dogs up to 4 years old & $300 for 5 years & up with an approved adoption application. **If we must travel further than one hour from our location in New Castle DE 19720 or outside of DE -- we will require an additional $35 toward the adoption fee to be used for gas & tolls both ways** * Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Applicant’s Last Name, First Name, MI*
What is your age?* Choose one: 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-54 years old 55-64 years old 65-74 years old 75 years or older
Co-Applicant’s Last Name, First Name, MI*
Co Applicant Age Choose one: 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-54 years old 55-64 years old 65-74 years old 75 years or older
What dog/puppy are you interested in* Choose an animal: Amber Cher & Sienna (Must be adopted together) Cherry (Cher) Mindy Sienna
Why are you interested in this particular dog?*
What qualities/traits would you like your pet to possess*
Why do you want to adopt a rescue dog/puppy*
How were you referred to us?* Choose one: Online Newspaper Ad Previous Adopter Word of Mouth Friend Mingle with the Mutts
Name of referrer or type? Newspaper, adopters, online? *
What type of home do you live in?* Choose one: House Condo Town Home
Do you own or rent? If you are renting, I'm sorry but we can not process your application. You must be a homeowner.* Choose one: Own Rent
Name of present or last employer*
Scheduled hours (eg. M-F 9-5)*
Co-Applicant's Present or Last Employer
Scheduled hours (eg. M-F 9-5)
Will anyone usually be home during the day* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
How long will the dog/puppy be left alone at a time?*
How long would your new dog/puppy go without a potty break? Are you willing to provide a "potty break" for your new pet if you are going to be gone more then (6) hours? Please provide the name & phone # of your current dog walker or petsitter. *
Do you have a yard?* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Do you have a fence? If you do not have a fence - you will not be approved. There are not exceptions. ** We also require a minimum 4 foot high fence. If you are not sure of the height - you should check. If it is not at least 4 foot high you will be denied* Choose one: Completely Fenced Partially Fenced Not Fenced Fenced in area
If you have a yard, what size in square feet?*
Type of Fence* Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible Other
Do you have an inground pool? What type of cover to you use? *
Height of Fence*
If you do not have a fence, you will be denied. We do not accept ANY type of Electric Fences. If you have any type of electric or underground fence -- you will not be approved. ****** There are no exceptions ****** *
How do you plan on exercising your dog* Choose one: Walking Running Playing
Under what circumstances do you think it is permissible to allow a dog off-leash?* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
When and where do you plan to exercise your dog*
How often do you plan on exercising your dog?* Choose one: 3x's/week Daily twice/day Other
How many adults live in the home*
How many children live in the home. If you have children under 8 we will not be able to process this application.*
Ages of the children*
If you have no children, how frequently will the dog contact other children (neighbors, family, grandchildren or friends). What ages would these children be?*
Please describe your lifestyle: (Please mark all that apply)
If I adopt, when no one is home, my dog will be kept:
When someone is home, my dog will be kept*
When I am on vacation, my dog will
If other, please explain
Is anyone in your home allergic to animals or have asthma* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
If yes, please explain
Please list your current pets with their name, breed, age, and gender:*
Have these pets been spayed or neutered Choose all that apply: Yes No Not applicable
Name & Phone of current Vet & Date of last vet visits*
Are they all up to date on all vaccinations & on heartworm medication year round? Choose all that apply: Yes No Not applicable
How many years have you owned these pets*
Do you know if your current pets are dominant or submissive*
Where do your current pets sleep*
List any Previous Pets in Household during the past 10 years with their names, Breed, Gender and Age;*
Are these pets spayed/neutered* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Were they up to date on all vaccinations & on heartworm medications year round? Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
How many years did you own these pets
If deceased, when and how (explain medical reason for death)
Have you ever lost a dog or had one stolen?*
Have you ever surrendered or given away a pet? If so explain how and why*
Have you ever trained a dog* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Do you have previous direct puppy experience* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Have you attended obedience classes with a dog* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Will you take this dog for obedience training* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Have you ever crate trained a dog* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
How do you feel about pets on furniture*
What type of food do you feed your current/previous pets
Where will the dog be kept when outside, be specific*
How long will the dog be kept outside at a time*
If the dog is not completely housebroken, are you willing to spend the necessary time to work with your new pet* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
How would you handle a “potty” accident in the house*
What do you feel is the best method of house training*
Some pets could take 30 days or more to adjust, are you willing to give this pet time to adapt to its new environment and family members* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
If you are forced to move and would not be allowed to take your pet, what would you do*
Under what circumstances would you give up your pet*
Where would you take it*
Are you financially able to provide sufficient pet care for the life of this pet (exams, food, lodging, toys, etc)* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Please estimate the annual cost for the following: Food (premium), grooming, veterinary care, and toys*
~ All LnF pups/dogs have been temperament tested & live in foster homes ~ All pups and dogs have been housebroken & crate-trained ~ All dogs have been spayed/neutered by LnF Dog Rescue ~ All pups and dogs have been Microchipped ~ Tested for Heartworm, Ehrlichia & Lyme ~ Each dog is on Heartworm Medication year-round while in our care ~ Up-to-date Rabies ~ Distemper, Parvo & Leptospirosis vaccines ~ Two De-Wormings with Drontal Plus ** We do not ship our dogs. Each foster dog is taken home personally. A home visit is always mandatory. We only adopt in NJ, PA, MD, VA & DE with a 2-hour one-way drive from our location in New Castle, DE 19720. * Effective 07-12-24 -- Our adoption fee is $195 for dogs up to 4 years old & $99 for 5-years & up with an approved adoption application. **If we must travel further than one hour from our location in New Castle, DE 19720, or outside of DE -- we will require an additional $35 toward the adoption fee to be used for gas & tolls both ways** * Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Have you applied to any other rescue groups in the last 30 days? If so, what happened? * Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
When and what rescue group
On occasion, the dogs & puppies may need additional medical care above what we normally provide such as antibiotics, ear or eye drops, or other unexpected medical conditions, etc. If that should happen, we do need to add those costs to the adoption donation fee. Invoices will be provided as proof that all medical treatment was provided. Any extra costs will be disclosed to you prior to your meeting with the dog/puppy. Is this agreeable to you?*
We require a home visit prior to any adoption, are you willing to comply* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Would you consider a special needs dog (i.e. one requiring daily medication)* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Would you consider fostering* Choose one: Yes No Not applicable
Consider Volunteering?*
First Veterinary Reference (Name, Address, Phone, Pets)
First Veterinary Reference (Pets Treated and Years Treated)*
Second Veterinary Reference (Name, Address, PHONE)
Second Veterinary Reference (Pets Treated and Years Treated)
First Personal Reference (Name, Address, Phone, Best time of day to contact)** Please do not list family members or veterinarians)*
First Personal Reference (Years known and relationship to you)*
Second Personal Reference (Name, Address, Phone, Best time of day to contact) ** Please do not list family members or veterinarians):*
Second Personal Reference (Years known and relationship to you)*
Do you have any comments for us?
I verify that the information I have provided on this application (or related to my application) is true, complete and accurate. I understand that any omission of information requested or any false or misleading information that I furnish on or in connection with my application for adoption may result in rejection of my application and/or may be considered justification for the removal of my adopted pet if discovered at a later date. Applicant's name (acts as a legal signature) and date*
I verify that the information I have provided on this application (or related to my application) is true, complete and accurate. I understand that any omission of information requested or any false or misleading information that I furnish on or in connection with my application for adoption may result in rejection of my application and/or may be considered justification for the removal of my adopted pet if discovered at a later date. Co-Applicant's Name (acts as a legal signature) and date*